252 Overview

The 252 scheme is a fun way to earn badges for both beginners and experienced archers. It is called the 252 but different bow styles have differing scores to achieve. 252 is for recurve archers. It is open to all bow types.

It is in addition to the score sheets you submit to the club records officer which remain unchanged and is open to all members new and experienced.

Individual clubs can choose how they run the scheme independently from AGB. We require you to shoot 3 dozen arrows at a single distance on a 122cm face using Imperial scoring. You are allowed sighters. If you achieve the required score (as per chart below) on two separate days you get a badge for that distance. It is also a good indication that you’re ready to move up to the next distance.

Scores do not need to be witnessed by another archer (unlike scores for handicaps and classifications). This is done on trust.

Scores can either be put in the box or emailed to Sandie on club_comms@ rivernookbowmen.co.uk
