Archery Etiquette – Things that a good archer should know
A Good Archer
- Does not talk in a loud voice whilst others are shooting.
- Does not talk to another competitor who obviously prefers to be silent.
- Does not make any exclamation on the shooting line that might disconcert a neighbour in the act of shooting.
- Does not pull any arrows from the target before all arrows have been scored.
- Does not go behind the target before all arrows have been scored.
- Does not walk up and down the shooting line comparing scores.
- Does not leave the shooting line whilst the archers either side are at full draw.
- Does not touch anyone else’s equipment without permission.
- Does not leave litter.
- When calling scores does so in groups of three, for example 7-7-5 pause 5-5-3 by pointing at the nock end of the arrows without touching them.
- If they break another archers arrow through their own carelessness, they offer to pay for it in cash on the spot.
- Thanks the Target Captain at the end of each round for work on their behalf.
- If an Archer wishes to join another Target they must ask and not just barge in.
- When returning from the target should not dawdle and keep everybody else waiting.
- If able, does not stand and watch everybody else move the targets.
- If able, does not watch everybody else pull the arrows and do the scoring.
- If able, helps look for lost arrows.