Handicaps & Records
Members’ Handicaps
The handicap system is explained on the tracking your progress page.
There are both Outdoor Handicaps and Indoor Handicaps for current members. These are maintained throughout the season from the scoresheets you submit to the Records Officer and are used for the various club and sometimes external competitions.
Most Improved Handicap Award
Each calendar year we calculate who has improved their handicap the most. To qualify they need to have a handicap at the start of the year. In the event of a tie the archer who has submitted the most rounds wins.
Past winners information can be found here.
We hold records for the various bow disciplines shot, both external (shot at tournaments) and club (usually shot at Rivernook or our current indoor venue but may also be by our archers shooting at other clubs).
There is also a running list of records that have been set or beaten throughout the calendar year.
We run several competitions throughout the year and the winners are immortalised on the website under the following headings
Club Championships
This is run annually, usually in September and is run on a handicap basis with separate awards for Gentlemen, Ladies and Juniors.
Frostbite Champion
This is run over the winter when we shoot a frostbite round once a month. As well as submitting our scores as a club to the Surrey frostbite league we also run an internal league run on a handicap basis. Archers need to compete in at least 2 of the shoots and have a handicap.
Indoors Champion
Currently suspended as we no longer have an indoor venue for our primary use.
A full list of Club Champions can be found here