Targets Faces and Scoring

Targets Faces and Scoring

  • We use standard target faces, which are made in different sizes. They are generally of five colours: gold, red, blue, black and white (the indoor Worcester target is black and white only).
  • A central line divides each coloured circle, this format is used by both Archery GB (formerly G.N.A.S.) and World Archery (formerly F.I.T.A.) Depending on the type of round being shot the colours can have different scoring values.
  • These are shown in the diagrams below:
  • Archery GB is 5 zone scoring and World Archery is 10 zone scoring. 6 arrows are usually shot in detail. The score would then be added to the first line of your score sheet, left to right – highest to lowest. The score for the half dozen would then be totalled. The scores for the next half dozen would also be entered on line one, totalled and then added to the previous half dozen to give the score; hits and golds are listed also. The same format is followed through lines 2,3,4 etc. The score for each dozen is added to the previous score to form a running total. When your round is finished you will then add up your hits, golds and overall total. There is an example of a completed scoresheet on the noticeboard in the shelter.